Parent and Community Technology & Law Center (PACT)

where social change meets social justice

Established in March 2009, Parent and Community Technology and Law Center (PACT Law Center) is a 501 (C)(3) non-profit corporation that works to promote and advance family strengthening and community building through strategic partnerships and collaborations. PACT Law Center seeks to leverage web-based technology in order to model the possibilities of virtual non-profit operations that can efficiently and cost-effectively bring to scale social solutions that focus on system and public policy change that promotes racial equity and social justice agenda setting. To that end, PACT seeks to organize and engage diverse communities, constituencies and/or committed stakeholders.

PACT Law Center acts on its mission by advancing advocacy and public policy initiatives in the areas of male engagement, fatherhood, family support and family and community strengthening, returning citizen re-entry, community development and community building, and progressive planning practice. Fundamentally, PACT Law Center’s vision is vested in the belief that individuals and communities have assets that can be organized and leverage to facilitate the transformation of practice and public policy in ways that bring scale, sustainability and outcome measurability to the work of racial equity, social justice and civic democracy.

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Our Theory of Change